The day that i've waited for so long was finally arrived..
Pementasan Teater Awek Chuck Taylor (ACT)..
Actually i bought the tickets for first show..
memang best..disebabkan pementasan ni adalah sempena PJ Laugh Fest so, teater ni jadi teater komedi instead of love story...
Tapi pelakon-pelakon nya semua memang talented la..bakat-bakat muda yang memang tengah naik dan sememangnya berbakat..
Seriously i enjoy sangat...lebih-lebih lagi bila dah lama tak join disebabkan nak melepaskan gian nonton teater ni, so i decided to go for one more round on the last day..yup!! i went to watch ACT twice...the first and last show..nasib baik ada tiket lagi untuk slot akhir tu...
Too bad juga masa first show tu my hp's camera is not working well so i only got blurred pictures..So, on the next show i brought along my digital camera ( still using digital camera and i know im soooo outdated, but who cares as long as i can get pictures)...
And im going to comment about the story...
Overall..both performances are great and I enjoyed both..there is only a little bit difference maybe in the terms of the ambience and during the birthday scene, in the first show, the audiences sang along the birthday song and Shafiq was more dramatic compare the same scene in the last show...and i still prefer Aiman's script of "kedai nasi lemak yang sebelah dia kedai nasi ayam" which was missing in the second play..
Mira and Aiman were playing football game (first show) when Hafiz first called her compare to next show where Mira and Aiman were challenging badminton game to suit the situation (as at the moment of show was Thomas Cup final match), which led to Mira saying to Hafiz, " game ni tak pernah main pun tapi menang juga"...
I guess pelakon-pelakon ni diberi sedikit kelonggaran dalam mewarnakan dialog masing-masing, and thats where the beauty of this show..the spontaneous that makes the show alive..
But actually yang menggamatkan drama ni adalah watak-watak Aiman, Shafiq dan Je(m)bol..
But i really admire Elza Irdalynna yang bawa watak Mira..she is such a star.. and her acting was A++..with her expression, body language and voice tone..everything..i just admire her..Oo, pada yang tak tahu Elza niadalah anak kepada Arwah Azean Irdawaty..dan dia memang banyak berlakon mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke nasi kan??
So does Sharifah Aleysha yang menjayakan watak Nana, which also comes from keluarga berdarah seni...dua anak seni yang sememangnya mempunyai potensi untuk terus bersinar dalam dunia seni tanah air..
Love them so much..
In my view~ ACT is very simple story..sebagaimana adaptasi novel/buku ke layar atau pentas, mesti akan ada sedikit perubahan dalam jalan cerita..sebab seingat i masa Hafiz starts couple dengan Nana, masa tu Nana n Mira dah pindah g oversea, tapi dalam teater ni tak..
Cuma kelemahannya i rasa mungkin dari jalan cerita kot..simple sangat and kadang-kadang flow cerita tu macam tak link..(but that always happen in book adaptation)..and props yang sangat-sangat simple, termasuk background yang dipaparkan dalam sesetengah scene, i nampak agak kaku (kecuali yang last part masa Nana n Kika kat tangga) .jika nak dibandingkan dengan my last teater ~ Layar Lara Salina..or teater2 USM dulu...and i wish i can see a part where Mira is wearing baju kotak-kotak with kasut chuck taylor as in the real story..because that is how i pictured Mira.
but that doesn't matter sebab tak mencacatkan storyline pun but i wish as professional they can produce better props and background...that's my sincere opinion..
First Show on the first day:
My first ticket..(with my name because i purchased online) |
First dating~ hafiz and Mira |
All the blurred pictures from my hp:
me and the actors and actress during the first show |
Last show on the last day:
Babak Satu ~ |
First time Hafiz jumpa Mira |
First time Hafiz call Mira ~ The art of lying |
First time Hafiz dating dengan Mira |
Mira (Elza Irdalynna) ~ i really love her acting...2 thumbs up!! |
Hafiz, Mira and Nana |
Barisan pelakon |
Me with the actors and actress after the last show |
Me and them look like besties here.. |
Over the counter tickest. |